In a fit of drunken anger, Michael Henchard sells his wife and baby daughter for five guineas at a country fair. He is the editor of the anthology &LI&RArt of the Personal Essay&L/I&R and has written a novel, &LI&RThe Rug Merchant&L/I&R, and a book of poetry, &LI&RThe Daily Round&L/I&R.A haunting study of guilt and lost love in "Penguin Classics", Thomas Hardy's "The Mayor of Casterbridge" is edited with an introduction and notes by Keith Wilson. A dark, complex story, &LI&RThe Mayor of Casterbridge&L/I&R brims with invention, vitality, and even wit.&LBR&R&L/P&R&LP style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"&R&LSTRONG&R&L/B&R &L/P&R&LP style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"&R&LSTRONG&RPhillip Lopate&L/B&R&L/B&R&L/B&R, a professor at Hofstra University in New York City, is best known as an essayist (“Bachelorhood,” “Against Joie De Vivre,” “Portrait of My Body”). His wife ultimately returns to offer Henchard the choice of redemption or a further descent into his own self-destructive nature.

Stricken with remorse, Henchard forswears alcohol and works hard to become a prosperous businessman and the respected mayor of Casterbridge. A poor workman named Michael Henchard, in a fit of drunken rage, sells his wife and baby daughter to a stranger at a country fair. &LI&RBarnes & Noble Classics &L/I&Rpulls together a constellation of influences-biographical, historical, and literary-to enrich each readers understanding of these enduring works.&L/DIV&R&L/DIV&R&LP style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"&R&L/P&R&LP style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"&R&LSTRONG&R&L/B&R &L/P&R&LP style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"&R&LSTRONG&RThomas Hardy&L/B&R’s first masterpiece, &LI&RThe Mayor of Casterbridge&L/I&R opens with a scene of such heartlessness and cruelty that it still shocks readers today.