What can I say about the mastery that is Break? So many things stick out as amazing. “Her sneakers make bubble gum smacks against the pavement on her way to me.” How can you not fall for a line like that?

I just skimmed the first chapter as a refresher and was blown away all over again. I also love her descriptions and dialogue.

FPP is hard to pull off without it sounding somehow affected Moskowitz does it so well that Break is my go-to book when questions about that particular narrative mode pop up on AW(which they do-with seemingly alarming regularity). Her prose is crisp and pulls you along like a riptide. Why? Three little words: First Person Present.

It came out less than a year ago but Break is probably the YA title I mention most on Absolute Write. I never saw where it was going and was surprised. FPP was phenomenal, male POV was fantastic and the other characters were so real and flawed. Hannah completely blew me away with her writing. I grabbed this book as soon as it hit the shelves, curled up on a chair and started reading. Break is a swirl of emotions right up to the last page. His love for his brothers is heartbreaking and heartwarming. The reader understands his motivation even when he’s doing things he shouldn’t. Jonah is one of the most 3D YA characters I’ve ever read. This book gets inside the mind of a teen boy, and it’s not just girls, sports, and cars in there. Finally, this book manages to be spare yet full of amazing descriptions at the same time.

There’s plenty of funny, too, including my favorite “mental health outlaw” line that I’m sure Hannah is sick of hearing. From Jonah to Jesse to Naomi to Charlotte, they’re all completely empathetic, despite some pretty huge flaws. The voice in Break alone is worth keeping it on your bookshelf. Here’s what we thought about Break, in alphabetical order 😉 When Jonah’s self-destructive spiral accelerates and he hits rock bottom, will he find true strength or surrender to his breaking point? Breaking, and then healing, is the only way he can cope with the stresses of home, girls, and the world on his shoulders. Jonah wants to be stronger– needs to be stronger–because everything around him is falling apart. Everyone knows that broken bones grow back stronger than they were before. Jonah is on a mission to break every bone in his body. It’s the first Thursday of the month and time for our Book of the month: Break by Hannah Moskowitz.